The Journey from Bitter to Blessed, Part 3: "Behind the Seen"
Ruth 2
God is in control. That is undeniable as we consider together the work of God in the livee of Ruth, Boaz, and Naomi in Ruth chapter 2. Listen to the third message in the Ruth series as we learn how God is at work behind the seen.
Each character in Ruth 2 teaches us something about God's sovereignty over our lives. From Boaz we learn that God is glorified in our obedience. Boaz was a man who was faithful to God. He went above and beyond the requirements of the letter of the Law and played an important role in God's story of redemption.
Ruth teaches us that God is worthy of our trust and faithful obedience. As a foreign widow in Israel, Ruth was the lowest of the low. But she took God at His word that He would provide for her and stepped out by faith. She could not imagine the magnitude of provision that God had in store for her.
Naomi, who wanted her name changed to "Bitter", teaches us that God is graciously working even when we doubt Him. Though Naomi did not work with Ruth, God blessed her abundantly and showed her His grace through the faithfulness of Boaz and Ruth.
But the central character throughout the book is God. He is clearly seen to be in control of every situation. Through all the tragedy and chaos in Naomi's life, God was orchestrating His divine purposes far beyond Naomi's human understanding.