Eight Essential Truths Emerge from God's Story of Hope


The Story of Hope is not just a story. It has the power to change your life forever if you can understand and accept eight essential truths:

1) God

  1. The God of the Bible has always existed and will continue to exist forever. Because He is eternal, God referred to Himself as the "I Am" (Yahweh or Jehovah) which is translated in our Bibles as LORD.
  2. By simply commanding it into existence, God created the world and everything in it. In its original condition, God's creation was perfect. 
  3. Throughout the Bible, this Creator-God continually demonstrated that He is all-powerful. 
  4. In contrast with false gods, the true God is perfectly holy (totally without sin). 
  5. As the Creator of mankind, God gave men and women clear commands to obey. 
  6. God is a righteous and fair Judge who must and will punish disobedience.
  7. God loves us even when we disobey Him. 


Hebrews 11:6


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