Calvary Messages

Please help yourself to the sermons on this page. They are saved in .mp3 format and can be played with most common players such as Windows Media Player, iTunes, Real Player, and a number of other applications. Our prayer is that you will be blessed and challenged by God's Word as you listen to the sermons below.


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The Journey from Bitter to Blessed, Part 2: "Call Me Mara"

Ruth 1:6-22 - "Trusting His Gracious Hand" 

This is the second message in our series on the Book of Ruth. The life situation of Naomi by the close of chapter 1 and her response to it teach us several important spiritual lessons. 

First, God’s grace and goodness are real, even in times of pain. 

Second, life is made up of choices and choices have consequences. Your decisions impact other people. 

Don't doubt the goodness of God, even when you face great pain. You can be reminded of His goodness by cultivating a heart of thankfulness toward God. Write down ten things that you are thankful for. Do it each day to remind yourself of God's good hand in your life. 


Trusting God's Gracious Hand


The Journey from Bitter to Blessed, Part 1: Setting the Stage

Ruth 1:1-5

This is the first message in our series from the Book of Ruth. In this message, Pastor Howell will examine the first five verses of the book and see how they set the stage for the rest of the book and instruct us on godly decision-making.  

The Book of Ruth is a theological short story named after one of the characters, the young Moabite Ruth. It could just as easily have been named Naomi, for she is the main character throughout the story. The story starts and ends with her. 

Learn about the historical background of the book and its importance to the people of Israel as they trace the lineage of King David. 

It's always right to do right; it's never right to do wrong. Saturate your soul in God so that when the times of trial come, that which is evident in your life is pleasing to God.  

Setting the Stage - Ruth 1:1-5


Bold Praises from Trusting Hearts

Psalm 138 provides yet another opportunity to realize that God is good all the time. Listen as Pastor Howell delivers a Thanksgiving message. 

Thanksgiving Message


Beyond Blackhawk Down

CBC is pleased to make available Jeff Niklaus' testimony, shared at Calvary Baptist Church on November 13, 2010. Jeff was the special speaker at CBC's Veterans outreach. Listen as he shares three important life lessons he learned while flying for Task Force Ranger in Somalia in 1993. 

Jeff's Biography

Jeff Niklaus was born in Dover, Delaware in 1961. He comes from a long military heritage dating back through his great grandfathers to the Continental Army in the Revolutionary War. His father an Air Force Senior Master Sergeant and brother an Army Sergeant Major are also both retired military.

In 1976 Jeff earned the rank of Eagle Scout. He graduated from Hughesville High School in Hughesville, PA in 1979 and in 1981 earned his Associates degree in Forestry from Williamsport Area Community College in Williamsport, PA. He went on to business studies at Penn State’s Capitol Campus in Harrisburg, PA where he also played NAIA collegiate baseball.

Jeff joined the Army in 1985 and in 1989 was accepted into the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment where he was soon flying the MH-60 Blackhawk helicopter. In August 1993, he deployed to Somalia as part of Task Force Ranger. On October 3rd he was Pilot in Command of Call Sign Super 67, a Blackhawk used for the Ranger blocking force during the operation. It was this mission that inspired the book and movie “Blackhawk Down”.

From 1994-1996, Jeff was selected to serve as the 160th SOAR Liaison to Special Forces Operational Detachment Delta (Delta Force) at Fort Bragg, NC. In 1996 he received Bachelor degrees in Aeronautics from Embry Riddle Aeronautical University and Business Management from Regents College of New York.

Jeff deployed on various rotations to Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan). During his Army career, he served as an Instructor Pilot, Instrument Flight Examiner, and Standardization Officer.

Upon retiring from the Army in 2006, Jeff became a contractor to the US State Dept. flying in support of the Poppy Eradication Program in Afghanistan.

In late 2007, Jeff started flying for Geisinger Medical Center’s Life Flight program in Pennsylvania where he continues that work today.

Jeff and his wife Carrie reside in State College, PA.

Beyond Blackhawk Down


The Book of Revelation

This is the recording of the third night of CBC's Fall Bible Conference with special speaker Jimmy DeYoung. You can find out more about Jimmy at his web site. Download the third night's meeting, which was focused on the Book of Revelation (not Revelations!).

Please note that Dr. DeYoung usually spoke longer than a single CD could record. Please keep that in mind as you listen to these recordings. Thanks for bearing with us!