Calvary Messages

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Entries in Ruth (6)


The Journey from Bitter to Blessed, Part 1: Setting the Stage

Ruth 1:1-5

This is the first message in our series from the Book of Ruth. In this message, Pastor Howell will examine the first five verses of the book and see how they set the stage for the rest of the book and instruct us on godly decision-making.  

The Book of Ruth is a theological short story named after one of the characters, the young Moabite Ruth. It could just as easily have been named Naomi, for she is the main character throughout the story. The story starts and ends with her. 

Learn about the historical background of the book and its importance to the people of Israel as they trace the lineage of King David. 

It's always right to do right; it's never right to do wrong. Saturate your soul in God so that when the times of trial come, that which is evident in your life is pleasing to God.  

Setting the Stage - Ruth 1:1-5

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