Calvary RSS Feeds
This site syndicates content via RSS (Really Simple Syndication) — which is an XML-based format for sharing and distributing Web content. Using an RSS reader, you can view data feeds from various news sources and blog sites in a central location.
How do I sign up for RSS feeds? What is an RSS reader?
To subscribe to RSS feeds, you need an RSS Reader (or Feed/News Aggregator). These programs (and services) will download and display RSS feeds for you. A number of free and commercial News Aggregators are available for download.
Many aggregators are separate, "stand-alone" programs; other services will let you add RSS feeds to a Web page. Try this google search to find a RSS reader that suits you »
Many aggregators are separate, "stand-alone" programs; other services will let you add RSS feeds to a Web page. Try this google search to find a RSS reader that suits you »